I have served in multiple roles over the course my years of active involvement. I re-registered in 1998 and officially joined the party in 1999. This is my Libertarian Party resume.
Libertarian Party
Registered Voter, Member
- Registered Libertarian in 1998
- Became National Dues-Paying member in 1999
- Active member 2006-Present
- Became Lifetime member of National in 2018

Libertarian Party of Kentucky
Membership Review Committee member
- Elected March 2024. Term ends convention 2026.
- Position exists to investigate allegations of NAP violations
- Hopefully never called to act
Libertarian Party of Kentucky
Executive Director
- Appointed June 2022
- Coordinate directives from Executive Committee between Directors
- Collect and disseminate institutional knowledge
- Assist with creating annual budget
- Training my replacement
- Resigned May 2024
Libertarian Party of Kentucky
Rules Committee Secretary, Chair
- Appointed 2019; Re-appointed 2020; Elected at convention in March 2021
- Committee Secretary 2019-2021
- Elected Chair by Committee for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
- Focus on streamlining rules and reducing overall word count
- Propose amendments to governing documents
- Work to reach consensus among various factions in the party
- Prepare report in readable format
- Present report in a timely manner in compliance with governing documents
- Term ended at state convention in March 2024; did not seek re-election
Libertarian National Committee
State CRM System Volunteer
- Focus on automating back-end processes; efficiency
- Built and support new back-end infrastructure
- Finally gave up trying to help when national gave up on the project
Libertarian National Committee
Bylaws Committee Member
- Appointed in late 2021, re-appointed late 2022
- Focus on reducing the size of rules
- Propose structural fixes to National Committee
- Propose expansion of ethics and transparency provisions
- Support hardening members' rights
- Resigned late 2023 due to core differences in vision with committee majority
Libertarian National Committee
Vice Chair
- Elected at convention in June 2020
- Focus on Affiliate Support and CRM project
- Acting Chair for 3 weeks during term
- Presided 2 of 3 days at national convention
- Term ended at convention, did not re-seek

Libertarian Party of Kentucky
Affiliate Support Director
- Appointed March 2022
- Help spin up and support county parties
- Promoted to Executive Director in June 2022
Libertarian National Committee
Affiliate Support Committee Member
- Appointed in September 2020
- Focus on Affiliate Support and CRM project
- Term ends at national convention in May 2022
Libertarian Party of Kentucky
Elections Committee Chair
- Elected to 2-year term in 2019
- Help prepare nomination rules for 2020 election cycle
- Propagate rules in a timely manner, in compliance with governing documents
- Term ended at convention 2021; committee eliminated at convention
Libertarian Party of Kentucky
Information Technology Committee Chair, Director
- Put together IT Committee with best IT talent of those active in the party (2017)
- Convert from committee to Director model (2018)
- Maintain all IT assets for LPKY and provide user support
- Merge all sources of data and clean up in CRM
- Training my replacement in the role
Libertarian National Committee
Ballot Access Committee member
- Temporary appointment from June until September
- Did not seek re-appointment to committee
Libertarian Party of Kentucky - 4th District
Executive Committee Chair
- Took over unexpired term of Chair; expired February 2020 (did not seek re-election)
- Prepared agendas and took minutes for all meetings
- Ensured minutes published in compliance with governing documents
- Helped organize multiple outreach events
- Helped work multiple outreach events including state party events
Libertarian National Committee
Convention Oversight Committee Vice Chair
- Planned, organized, and executed debate for Chair and Vice-Chair (2018)
- Helped maintain convention website (2018)
- Help with A/V for the event (2018, 2020)
- Built Feldman tribute video on 12-hours notice with Irvine and Nanna (2018)
- Help with miscellaneous tasks on-site at convention (2018)
- Help choosing convention app (2020)
- Help develop ideas to make convention more enjoyable (2020)
- Help develop ideas on how to raise money to pay for the convention (2020)
- Built new convention website using CRM project to streamline operations (2020)
- Term expired August 2020; did not seek re-appointment (but will help)
Libertarian National Committee
Information Technology Committee
- Fixed LP.org leftover issues from previous committee
- Converted content from previous LP.org to new site
- Helped save LPedia & provide space for spam cleanup
- Built new email server and created state services
- Created extensive email server documentation
- Shut down old services, saved about $25,000 annually
- Helped create and assist with CRM project

Libertarian National Committee
Information Technology "Staff" Volunteer
- Performed IT Security audit
- Built and maintain shared email server
- Built and maintain shared ticket system
- Helped create Candidate Website project
- Built and assist with CRM project
- Built and maintain shared PM system
- Resigned when declared for Vice Chair

Moellman Enterprises / NKY Opinions
- Built Polling Company to assist Libertarians
- Ran robo-call for 2016 LPKY State Convention notice in-kind to party
- Sole proprietor; profits used to fund L causes
- Provided key data for successful Hewitt Campaign
Kyle Hugenberg for State Auditor
Campaign Manager and Treasurer
- Helped refine messaging
- Prepared campaign finance reports
- Successfully worked to meet debate inclusion criteria
- Met all KREF campaign finance requirements
Libertarian Party of Kentucky
State Party Treasurer
- Forensic Accounting to file corrected/amended KREF reports
- Cleaned up LPKY books
- Donated to cover KREF fines from cleanup process
- Identify and push to pass $800 annual savings for LPKY
- Track party assets where known to exist
- Push to restore Membership rights on Rules Committee
- Pushed to get people to run for Magistrate where no D/R filed
- Did not seek re-election
Irvine For Ohio
Campaign Manager
- Built the campaign structure
- Obtained TIN and bank account
- Configured bank accounts and all funding sources (Anedot, PayPal, BitPay)
- Built and trained the campaign team, leveraged volunteers
- Ensured materials delivered to donors and supporters
- Ensured candidate was at as may venues as possible
- Despite short time as official candidate, 7th-best result in the nation
Libertarian National Committee
Ballot Access Committee Volunteer
- Finished LPO Ballot Access drive
- Managed multiple contractors
- Managed petition validation
- Helped sort petitions and pull fraudulent signatures

Libertarian Party of Kentucky
State Party Treasurer
- Forensic Accounting to find out where all the money went
- Cleaned up LPKY books
- Helped clean up mess caused by defunct parties
- Put together Finance Committee
Libertarian National Committee
Ballot Access Committee Chair
- Scheduled and held regular meetings
- Assembled committee with former state chairs who understood ballot access
- Ran and saved petition drives in multiple states
- Successfully obtained 50-state access for ticket

Libertarian National Committee
Region 3 Alternate Representative
- Represent the interests of KY, OH, IN, and MI on LNC
- Resigned due to conflict of interest
Libertarian Party of Kentucky
Judicial Committee
- Committee to handle any violations of governing documents
- Committee eliminated; replaced with Arbitration provisions
Organizer, Unofficial Presidential Debates
- Designed and executed multi-tier Pres/VP debates
- All candidates allowed to participate
- Obtained funding through sponsorships/ads
- Gave LPKY free advertisement ($300 value)

Libertarian Party of Kentucky
- Funded and coordinated successful effort to put local candidates on the ballot
- Funded successful effort to ensure one local candidate won elective office
- Set up process for State Party leaders to learn how to run petition drive
Liberty Unbridled
Host, Producer
- Weekly podcast of "soft libertarianism" to bring people to LPKY
Libertarian National Committee
Ballot Access Volunteer
- Helped successfully complete the massive Oklahoma ballot drive
- Signature validation and fraud detection
Libertarian Party of Kentucky
State Executive Committee Chair
- Resumed duties as State Chair
- Focus on growing affiliate parties (5 District, 5 County Parties)
- Raised funds for Ballot Access for David Patterson for US Senate
- Ballot access and organized technical support for David Patterson for US Senate
- Ballot access for multiple local partisan candidates
- Arranged legal support for candidates
- Planned Annual Conventions for 2014 and 2015
- Set-up and/or volunteered at many outreach events around the state
- Continued to maintain party IT assets
- Continued to maintain monthly newsletter mailings
- Did not seek re-election; focus on growing shared services at National
Libertarian Party of Kentucky
4th District Executive Committee Chair, Convention Committee Chair, Ballot Access Chair
- Groundwork laid for 3 County Parties
- Planned State Party and District Party Annual Conventions for 2012 and 2013
- Ran Gary Johnson 2012 Ballot Access drive
- Continued to maintain party IT assets
- Continued to maintain monthly newsletter mailings
Gary Johnson 2012
State Director
- In charge of all campaign activity in Kentucky
- Successfully obtained speaking slot for Gary Johnson at Fancy Farm
- Spoke on behalf of Gary Johnson at Fancy Farm when he could not attend

Ken Moellman for Kentucky State Treasurer
- First Executive Branch candidate for LPKY
- Earned 4.62% of the vote, despite being outspent 200-to-1 and no top-of-ticket
- Campaign focused on growing the party's ranks and network (D1 formed)

Libertarian Party of Kentucky
State Executive Committee Chair
- Focused on growing party to create Affiliate Parties, once created in Constitution
- Attended majority of District Party meetings to help guide and mentor
- Pushed for State Party Dues and Party Voter Registration requirements
- Worked to get "pragmatic" and "radical" factions to work together
- Set-up and/or volunteered at many outreach events around the state
- Worked with other members to build and maintain IT infrastructure
- Created first LPKY Slate Card for a slate of county candidates in 2014
- Various capacities on multiple L campaigns; volunteer, treasurer, and manager
- Established monthly newsletter to members and supporters
- Saved "Greater Cincinnati Libertarians" meetup - oversaw Hamilton Co split off
- Built a 5-year plan
- Planned Annual Conventions for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
- Negotiated & executed joint convention w LPIN in 2009
- Assisted with KY Ballot Access drive in 2008
- Untangled bank account, IRS TIN, and KREF reporting
- Held Presidential Debate at LPKY State Convention 2008
- Hosted 2008 "Unofficial Presidential Debate" at National
- Helped plan Region 3 Convention in 2007 in Dayton, OH
- Did not seek re-election in 2011; stepped down to run for political office

Libertarian Party of Kentucky
4th District Representative
- Find volunteers and begin to build a 4th District Party before structure codified
- Push to re-structure party to create affiliate parties
Brian Houillion for Congress
Campaign Manager
- First campaign in KY to break the "Libertarian 2%"
- Received 4.9% of the vote while being outspent 10,000-to-1